Global Givers Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram has launched its Project, Home for the Vulnerables at Kuriathy in Uzhamalackal Grama Panchayat of Thiruvananthapuram district. Sri. V Muraleedharan, Honourable Minister of State for External and Parliamentary Affairs, Government of India has done the Bhoomi Pooja for the house of Mrs. Asha Kumari, Vishnu Bhavan, Ward No. 3 Kuriathy, Uzhamalackal in a simple function attended by several well-wishers from the locality. The 450 sq. ft house will have two rooms, a living area, a hall, a kitchen, and a sit-out. Toilets and other facilities also will be created in the house. Green protocols will be followed in the construction of the house. Mrs. Raji, Grama Panchayat Member and Nair Service Society of the area has taken the lead in constructing the house supported by the Global Givers Foundation.

Some glimpses of the function

Hon’ble Minister listening to people's requests